Creative Research Pop-up, NCAD FIELD, 2024. Creative Research Pop-up event staged in the FIELD, outdoor learning lab, NCAD, Dublin. Research centred around Landscape Structure histories/transitions for the future and Public/Private space in the context of limited access to green spaces in Dublin City Centre.

Dervla studied historic maps of Dublin and looked at the FIELD site in relation to Trinity College grounds — two sites, in close proximity to each other, both lay outside the medieval walls of Dublin, multiple historic Pathways and Soundways through the city have connected each site to one another for a very long time. Dervla also surveyed citizens, students and tourists in the Trinity College grounds to learn more about their relationship with the green spaces within.

Dervla is interested in working with Urban “Learnscapes” to develop creative projects with a research/learning element viewed through an art lens. She activated the outdoor pavilion in the FIELD to create a Creative Research Pop-up where participants could gently engage with the research material in whatever way made sense to them and contribute to the collective knowledge. Sample “research questions” were posed and a Transdisciplinary framework used as a means for gentle co-creation and collaborative idea generation using low tech materials.

Dervla worked with composer Jamie Lemoine to create a “soundtrack” for the experience, using field recordings gathered at relevant sites, this set a gentle pace for the exploration and created an inclusive atmosphere. The result was a creative "Citizen Research" experience through an art lens, that offered multiple entry points to participants, and allowed them to engage and contribute in whatever manner suited them best.

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Collaborative Research — Creative Research Pop-up, NCAD FIELD 2024.

Collaborative Research — Creative Research Pop-up, NCAD FIELD 2024.

Collaborative Research — Creative Research Pop-up, NCAD FIELD 2024.

Original sound composition developed with composer and sound artist Jamie Lemoine, field recordings of the bells at St. Audeon’s made by Dervla, May 2024. Created as a soundtrack to the Creative Research Pop-up event in the FIELD at NCAD. The custom soundtrack created an inclusive, welcoming atmosphere and set a gentle pace for the group research exploration.